Sigh. It's Fox News - what else would you expect? But, for those (hopefully very few) readers here who might be inclined to accept the nonsense this "news" channel promotes, here are the facts about what is properly termed Managed Isolation in New Zealand:
- You return from overseas
- You are taken to a 4- or 5-star hotel, not of your choosing (which may even be in a different city, according to demand)
- You are confined to your room, except for daily walks that may be only around an open carpark space; but you're also allowed to go out into a fenced-off area where you may speak to friends and family from a distance of two metres
- You do not pay anything for this hotel, if you are a returning Kiwi - not for the food, the WiFi, the accommodation. (If you are a returning Kiwi who chose to go overseas since the pandemic began, then you will be charged $3,100 for your two week stay.)
- You can use UberEats, order from supermarkets, receive packages up to and including exercise bikes, but not home baking
- You will be tested on Days 3 and 12, and then, if clear, released on Day 14
- If you test positive, you will be removed to a special quarantine hotel and taken to hospital if necessary
- If you refuse the tests, you will have to stay in the hotel for another fortnight
That's all very far from imprisonment in a "terrifying quarantine camp", Fox, you stupid, irritating, irresponsible panic-monger. How do I know all this? Because my daughter is in managed isolation right now, and sent me the photos I've used here.
As a result of all this, we have had just 25 deaths overall, and are currently living an almost-normal life, with kids at school, people at work, sports events and concerts happening, restaurants and bars operating as usual. The only Covid signs you'll see ih New Zealand are masks on public transport, people scanning the QR codes outside shops and businesses, bottles of hand sanitiser everywhere, and a bit of social distancing. End of. Spit.