Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Bad start to a good trip

SO dumb! You'd think that, professed professional travel writer that I am, I would know the rules and breeze through the airport procedures without a hiccup. Well, I did, actually - but my stupidity caught up with me on the plane. A flight attendant leaned over, interrupting my my happy bingeing of excellent Aussie comedy 'No Activity' and said, "There was an issue with your suitcase and it had to be left behind. Go to the Qantas baggage desk when you get to Hobart." 

Eventually, to my utter shame, I remembered that I'd put a small power pack in my suitcase instead of my carry-on. Idiot. Yes, I did tick that No lithium box at check-in. No, it didn't remind me of what I'd done, because I was on autopilot and not paying proper attention. Dimwit. But you'll be pleased to hear that I paid for it, literally and metaphorically.

I was on my way to Tasmania, to do a four-day walk on Maria (that's Mar-I-a) Island just up the coast from Hobart. We would be off-grid for most of the time, so that's why I brought the power pack. And I was leaving early next morning for the walk, so that meant that, instead of spending what remained of the afternoon re-acquainting myself with the many delights of that lovely little city, I had to bustle, all-of-a-jangle, along to Target and Kathmandu to buy substitutes for the essentials I would need for the hike, just in case my corrected suitcase didn't make it to Hobart in time. What a waste of time and money! 

The late sun was gilding all the pretty fishing boats in the harbour, and the lovely heritage buildings, and the bronze statue to the 13,000 women who were transported as convicts to Tasmania for crimes ranging from stealing a turnip to murdering her own child, but it was all lost on me. I spent half an hour on hold on the helpline, and it didn't help me to learn that there were 'weather events' in both Sydney and Brisbane that had grounded half the planes and led to huge backlogs everywhere, including on this very helpline. I was trying to fix several mistakes the Qantas clerk had made in my lost luggage file, and that wasn't helping either. What a terrible start!

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