Sunday, 5 June 2022

Maiden voyage - well, cruise

A couple of posts ago, I was marvelling at reviving a trip I did back in 2014 to Kakadu in the Northern Territory, for a recent story. Well, today I beat that, with a story published about a Captain Cook cruise I did in Fiji way, way back in 2005. That even predated my note-taking routine - I did take a notebook, duly labelled, but was dismayed to find, when researching for this (requested) story, that I wrote nothing in it. Tch - amateur!

So, thank you again, internet, for enabling both reconstruction and updating. I did remember the trip pretty well too - it was my first-ever cruise, and I was sucked straight in, and came home hoping that I would go on another one day. If I'd known then that there were 20 more lying ahead of me, eight of them in the luxurious embrace of Silversea, and including such diverse destinations as Alaska, China, Turkey, Norway, the Amazon, Galapagos, Ireland and, best of all, Antarctica, my mind would have been blown, truly.

I'm not sure now that I would rush to go on another - still too Covid-nervous not to remember the Petri-dish phenomenon - but I certainly feel lucky to have been on so many, and most of them so very, very good.

2005, though - that means little Lusi will be 22 now. She was the cute 5 year-old new entrant who showed me so proudly around her bare-bones school on one of the remote Yasawa Islands. Though it was the holidays, the kids all came to school to welcome us sunburnt strangers from that fancy white ship out in the bay, and sang songs to us that included 'The Wheels on the Bus' - on an island that had no buses, or cars, or probably even much in the way of wheels. I wonder what Lusi is doing now?

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