Tuesday, 10 September 2024

About as far as you can get from Europe, actually

So, cruise season never really stopped this winter, with P&O’s Pacific Explorer popping in at fairly regular intervals - if, that is, a 77 tonne ship carrying 2000 passengers could ever just pop in. While it’s very far from being the biggest to call in to Auckland, there’s no denying its impact. (Er, not literally.) And now that it is finally officially spring, cruise ships will be a regular sight in the port.

In fact, just the other side of the ferry terminal, there was another one also moored here today, although it was easily missed, being so small and unimposing. It’s the barque Europa, built in 1911 and just 40m long. She cruises all over the world, but there’s none of your Pacific Explorer cosseting on offer here - she’s more of a DIY ship. Literally - 48 paying passengers learn to sail her, actually as part of the crew. That sounds much more fun than just lolling around in luxury, getting fat; plus, you’d really feel you’d earned your destination, once you finally reached it.

And that would add a whole new level of specialness to somewhere like Antarctica. Which is actually where, on New Year’s Day 2018, I last saw the Europa.


the queen said...

I understand there are rough seas near the poles. That looks utterly terrifying to me.

TravelSkite said...

Certainly, the Drake Passage just north of Antarctica is notoriously fierce and would be a mission to cross in a sailing ship - but, on my visit? Drake Lake.


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