Blue-footed boobies are just one of a scad of bird species in the Galapagos Islands, but the marine iguanas and tortoises are probably better-known. Whatever - there's heaps of all of them there, and on Espanola Island we literally had to watch where we put our feet in case we stepped on a primly-disapproving-looking iguana or dainty lava lizard.
On Santa Cruz Island we saw Lonesome George's rear end: the last of the Pinta Island tortoises, he's a 90 year-old bachelor who has so far snubbed the female cousins from another island with whom he shares his enclosure. It's not too late: tortoises do nothing in a hurry, whether it's maturing sexually (25 years), digesting their food (2-5 weeks) or, of course, moving, which includes making a move.
Everybody give a cheer for George - with a couple of nudges and winks for good measure. And ignore everything you may hear about his being gay: it's a vicious rumour put about by the boobies.
Ooo - a friend went to the Galapagos and said it was phenomenal. Can't believe Gary didnt show interest. I think he was worried about invading the boobies privacy.
I would rather wear that T shirt than one from Mauritius which says, "Dodo".
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