Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Glasgow, eh. Possibly aye.

On the face of it, there aren't many similarities between Glasgow and Vancouver. Ancient/modern, clean/dirty, healthy/not... I'd go on, but I don't want to offend my Glaswegian hosts. There's no denying, though, that this city is scruffy and sooty, and that rather a lot of its occupants make things harder for themselves by their lifestyle choices.

But Glasgow does have another side: it has great museums, galleries and architecture; heaps of green spaces; terrific restaurants; wonderful stories; and enthusiasm. They're feeling especially eager at the moment because the Commonwealth Games are being held here next month. The city's all ready (how rare is that?) and the people are looking forward to the party. Because they do know how to party, we all know that.

And Vancouver? Well, here on this long, sunny, warm midsummer's evening, the people are all on the streets, in the parks and playgrounds with their kids and their dogs, playing and walking and talking, out of their flats and enjoying the fresh air. Just as they do in Vancouver. (Though this sweet little Scottie, Bunty, was inside, keeping a devoted eye on her master, the batman at Finnieston seafood restaurant in Argyle Street. Sea trout with samphire highly recommended.)

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