Sunday, 3 January 2010

100% happy

Hooray! My photo of Mackay Falls made the cover of the Herald on Sunday this morning - not that anyone will notice the credit inside, but it's a bit of glory for me (and possibly some extra dosh?)

I like taking photos, but it can become a burden: hauling the gear everywhere; being alert for good shots all the time, even when I should be listening to someone and/or taking notes; and as often as not missing them because I'm too slow, or too shy, or we can't stop, and then sitting cursing for the next 5 kilometres. Plus there's the frustration when the photo doesn't turn out as it should, because I got the settings wrong or even, duh, moved the camera. And then after all that effort, editors frequently choose not to use them - because, I tell myself, the ones they get from the tourism people are free. So when I score, I'm happy.

Mind you, with a subject like this, how can you miss?

>>> ... My companions are impressed too: not just with Sutherland Falls, but with the whole shebang. It’s particularly gratifying to hear the Aussies telling each other how fabulous the mountains are — “We don’t have mountains” — and how beautiful the rivers — “We haven’t got rivers like this”. An American exclaims, “This is the most beautiful country in the world!” and an Englishwoman says, “It’s just like the 100% Pure posters.” She’s right: on the last day we pass Mackay Falls, clear water foaming white over piled boulders between lush green tree ferns and beeches, as featured in the advertisements. And when, after 54 kilometres, we finally reach the end, and the boat takes us down the river into Milford Sound, and there’s Mitre Peak rising up so improbably high and sheer from the waters of the fiord, even Vegard the Norwegian admits that this is more dramatic than anything he’s seen at home. And it’s all ours.

[Pub. Herald on Sunday 3/01/10]

1 comment:

BOSSY said...

Yay about the photo!


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