Tuesday, 19 October 2010

A Lion Red? No, just a lion.

Continuing the wildlife theme, we came across this unexpected display in Hank's supermarket in the little blip of Twisp. Gives popping in to buy a beer a whole new interpretation. There were two aisles with mounted heads of deer and goats, and complete stuffed animals including a bear and a lion (African not mountain) on top of the chiller cabinets. Plus, in the entrance there was a wall of photos of people with prize-winning cattle, pigs, sheep etc at the local show, many of them proudly smiling kids draped around the animal's neck, with Hank's Mart written in as the buyer - so presumably these fine specimens ended up inside the chillers. Chilling.

But there was no wildlife at all on my horseback amble with Brendan through the muted scenery this afternoon, apart from one panicked chipmunk. It was rather bizarre as we clopped through an aspen grove alongside Beaver Pond and Brendan talked about his ambition to qualify as an astro-physicist and put men on asteroid Apophis when it comes around again in 2029. And him in his cowboy boots and Stetson, spurs a-jinglin'.
I had, of course, to sign a waiver before I was allowed to mount my horse, and I was impressed by its comprehensiveness, particularly Paragraph 7: "Propensity for an equine (horse) to run, buck, bite, kick, shy, stumble, rear, trample, scratch, peck, fall, make unpredictable movements, spook, down, jump, butt, step on a person's feet, push or shove without warning or apparent cause." Who wrote that? Roget?

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