Sunday 3 April 2011

A natural high

Hooray, a more leisurely day today! Though not that leisurely – lots of walking and climbing. We met David of Out of Sight Tours, who showed us some of the gems along the coast near Denmark. Of course it helped that it was another perfect WA day today, which made the blues of the sea that much more breath-taking, but “it’s always worth the view,” said David. Even he was impressed by the colours today though, and whipped out his camera several times. He was very knowledgeable about botany, geology, history and all the other –oys, as you would expect from a former university lecturer.

We did a bit of the Bibbulmun Track, which runs almost 1000kms between Albany and Perth, and peeped into some more fabulous little bays where the waves were rolling in to foam white on the sand, having come all the way from Antarctica. There were kangaroos and wild flowers (even in autumn – though spring is the time to come for the real spectacle).

Then we drove on to Walpole where we teetered along 40m off the ground on a walkway through the tops of the red tingle trees that grow only in this particular part of WA – they’re also peculiar in that they hollow out at the base but still keep growing. And now we’re at the Walpole Wilderness Resort, gearing up for Rhonda’s fabulous feast of home-made goodies, with fresh marron and steak and gorgeous individual pavlovas. “I used to cook for shearers,” she said. I can believe it.

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