Sunday, 9 January 2011


Another sunny Sunday, hooray, so I had a second go at having my first swim of the year - much more successfully this time. And it was easy: ferry to Waiheke Island, bus to Palm Beach, bake in the sun for a bit and then straight into the sea - past the oh!-zone and flop ahh! into the water. Perfect. Lots of warm bits to find, floating, only the occasional big wave, and all around blue sky, white boats, green hills and biscuity beach.

Waiheke's such a lovely place, and not just because it's been our family summer holiday place for years: it's so quick to get to, only 45 minutes with the detour to Devonport, and yet it feels miles away from the city. The sign above, at the car ferry jetty, sums it up: Waiheke is all about winding down, looking around and enjoying the moment.

And there are few moments better than hot, crisp salty chips with marty sauce and a cold beer, seagulls swooping overhead, kids busy digging holes in the sand, teenagers being self-consciously laid-back, old people titupping over the hot sand with bare feet, and nothing to do all afternoon except get hot again and go for another cooling dip. I could perhaps have done without the group of gorgeous Latinos parading their perfect young bodies in front of us, but that's just being picky.

And then afterwards, bus and ferry and car home again with salty skin, sandy feet, stiff tousled hair and a faint glow of sunburn, and total relaxation. All that was missing was the orcas.


the queen said...

They should rename it biscuity beach. But then - are biscuits the same in NZ? A grainy floury scone?

TravelSkite said...

No, our biscuit is your cookie. Scones are not grainy and are eaten with butter, or jam and whipped cream. The only similar thing we eat with gravy is a Yorkshire pudding, which is batter full of air. None of that describes the beach's light brown sand. But there are, as you see, palms.

waihekenews said...

Have made a link to waihekenews on twitter

TravelSkite said...

Cheers! Let's hope that brings people to both of us.

Anonymous said...

I can only dream about the summer. It only gets colder and colder here.

TravelSkite said...

Welcome, flutietootie! Thanks for the reminder to stop complaining about the heat, and to think about all those people right now with cold and/or wet feet. Mmmm, sunshine!


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