Thursday, 19 August 2010

So shoot me

Another little tussle of conscience here. Nice picture, eh? I've submitted it, and others, along with a story about Mauritius and think it may well end up on the cover of the travel section. And that's a bit embarrassing, as I was only able to take this photo because my friend and colleague, a keen and expert photographer, had spotted the shot on the cover of the Lonely Planet guide book, and asked our driver to take us to the spot so she could take her own (hopefully better) version.

She was fussy. The first time we went, there wasn't much sun, it was a bit windy so the water wasn't so blue, and there was a sinister bag floating in the water. We both took heaps of shots, but none really pleased us. So when, on our last day in Mauritius, we were going through Mahebourg again with a bit of time to spare, she was eager to go and have another try. This time the conditions were much better and I got this one, at a different angle from her because I wanted the boat in the foreground. I don't know what hers look like but I'm sure they're sharper and better exposed - still, I like this one.

But, even though we went to this spot specifically because my friend wanted to take her own version of a published photo, I still feel a bit of a copy-cat, and as though it's not truly my own photo.

This one, though, this is an exclusive.

1 comment:

Best Travel Deals said...

Here's to more Best Travel Deals for you in the future. last photo is epic! :)


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